Monday, August 17, 2020

How to use KeePass easily

We often hear about the need to create strong passwords. However, there is neither time nor desire to invent and memorize complex combinations. Plus, there doesn't seem to be much of a need for it.

And creating a password that hackers can easily pick up is not a whim, but an important cybersecurity event. Proper storage of passwords is equally important. For example, writing them down on sheets of paper, using a single combination for all accounts, or assigning them to your own memory is the key to your data, which you give to the attackers yourself. However, this is easy enough to prevent. Password managers come in handy. More passwords only for specialized applications with a good reputation. In this article, we will look at one of the most common programs for generating and storing passwords - KeePass. We have prepared a visual instruction for you: functions, features and a description of the main operations. We'll also show you how to properly set up and use KeePass support tech.

General introduction to password managers

Password Manager is software that helps you securely manage passwords and PINs. In such programs, usually a local database or files containing encrypted password data. Some password managers also act as form placeholders. This means they fill in the User field and Password data automatically in the forms. These types of software are predominantly installed as a browser extension.

KeePass features

KeePass is one of the first free open source password managers that has all the basic password manager capabilities for personal use. The utility supports not only Windows, but also Mac, iOS, Android, Linux. KeePass itself is saved in a file that can be synced using Dropbox or removable media. In KeePass, the password database is encrypted using the AES-256 algorithm. In addition, various security methods can be used, for example: Master password, Key file and / or Windows user account. If you will only use the Master password to open the database, you must remember it well. In case you will use the Key file, you can select any file. However, we advise you to stop at something that has a lot of random data. The key file must not be changed, as it might prevent the database from opening. If you need to use a different key file, you should change the master key and use a new (or different) key file. Key files should be backed up. This is important to avoid the hassle of opening the database in the event of a hard drive failure, modification, or repair.

Let's take a look at another KeePass feature. This password manager can create a database according to the current Windows user account. If you enable this option, you will be able to open the databases only when authorization in the system took place with the same Windows account and when these databases were created. However, you can confidently change the password for a Windows user account: it will not affect the KeePass database.

And remember, there are no backdoors or generic keys to open KeePass databases!

Description of the main operations

1. The first step in working with KeePass is software configuration. At the beginning the password manager is automatically installed with an English interface. In order to change the interface language , go to the View -> Change Language ... tab and select the desired language:


To ensure maximum protection and preservation of the password database , use the special program settings: Tools -> Options -> Security .


2. The next step is to create a database. You can create a new Password Database as follows: go to the File -> New tab or press the Ctrl + N key combination :


Next, you need to confirm your actions


After confirming the actions, KeePass prompts you to select a location to save the database and come up with a complex Master password :


You can also use Key file and Windows user account for additional protection of the password database (Composite Master Key). Then all the main sources (password, key file, Windows account), if any, will be required to unlock the password database .

Next, you can set personalized parameters for the base that you just created, namely: default login, base color, encryption algorithm, and the like. In the program, it looks like this:


3. Now let's go directly to working with the database. There are several ways to save the password to the database : click the corresponding button in the quick access panel, go to the Edit -> Add Entry tab, or press Ctrl + I :


As you can see in the image, the following parameters can be specified in the database: Title, User name, Password, URL (address), Note (Note).

In addition, we can immediately change the password display icon:


To introduce changes to an entry that already exists , right-click on it and select Edit / View Entry . Or you can do it differently: go to the Edit -> Edit / View Entry tab or press the Return key :


Now let's look at how to copy the username to the clipboard . To do this, click on the desired entry with the right mouse button and select the Copy User Name item , or press the Ctrl + B key combination . The button on the quick access panel is also used for this:


Let's go ahead and find out how to copy the password to the clipboard . Click on the required entry with the right mouse button and select the Copy Password item . Another option is to press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C. For this, there is also a button on the Quick Access Toolbar, it looks like this:


In both cases, in the lower right corner of the program window, we will see that a counter (strip) has started, during which the data will be available for insertion:


Records can be organized , grouped and sorted . A simple drag and drop (copying) and the creation of appropriate groups will come to the rescue. Create a new group as follows: right-click on the directory, exists, or on the root (name of the base). You can also just go to the Edit -> Add Group tab :


Groups can be easily edited ( Edit Group ), as well as give them different names, add descriptions and change icons.

To take advantage of additional grouping and sorting functions, select the View -> Sort By / Grouping in Entry List menu :


A neat advantage of KeePass is that you don't have to manually fill in the form every time. For this there is an autocomplete form. To use the provided option, just leave the first login data field active for authorization and switch to KeePass. And the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V or the button on the Perform Auto-Type quick access panel will do everything for you and start the auto-complete process:

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